Biology GK Questions 2022 & GK Quiz on Biology for Competitive Exams

Biology GK Questions

Teaching Biology, you come across some great tricky science questions – common.

Quiz: Legumes are highly nutritious because they are rich in
Ans: Protein

Quiz: The seat of memory in the human brain is located in the _______ ?
Ans: Cerebrum

Quiz: Total number of Muscles in human body ?
Ans: 639

Quiz: Another name of the reduction division is
Ans: . meiosis

Biology GK Questions

This is the general knowledge questions and answers section on “Biology” with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test.

Quiz: Who prepared the first Cholera vaccine ?
Ans: Louis Pasteur

Quiz: —— pairs of spinal nerves are present in the human body
Ans: 31

Quiz: —- cause malaria and sleeping sickness
Ans: protozoans

Quiz: Gene mutation takes place in
Ans: dioxyribose nucleic acid

Biology GK Questions

General Science Biology Quiz Questions and Answers Online Test. Based on important multiple choice questions for all competitive exams and Biology Quiz.

Quiz: Which of the following is not a mosquito borne disease?
Ans: Sleeping sickness

Quiz: Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of ________ ?
Ans: arteries

Quiz: Which one of the following is not a genetic disorder?
Ans: Xerophthalmia

Quiz: Which one among the following produces seeds but not flowers?
Ans: pine

Quiz: Mango is an example for
Ans: Tree

Biology GK Questions

Question Answer on Biology, Zoology, Botany for GK, General Knowledge and and to improve your GK on Biology to perform better in various ..

Quiz: The compound used in anti-malarial drug is
Ans: Chloroquin

Quiz: The outer convex region of kidney is called
Ans: cortex

Quiz: Internal fertilization takes place in
Ans: rabbits

Quiz: Number of vertebrae in human is
Ans: 26

Quiz: Which of the following bones is associated with hip replacement surgery?
Ans: Sternum

Let us solve questions of Biology which will make you understand about the various phenomena’s and help in the competitive examination . These are important biology GK questions for all competitive exams. Practice with this Biology related General Knowledge Questions and Answers. Prepare with … General Science Biology.Click here to find General Knowledge questions,General Knowledge preparation ,General Knowledge puzzles etc updated on Jun

Biology GK Questions 2022

Quiz: Which of the following is not a member of the vitamin B complex?
Ans: Ascorbic acid

Quiz: In which organ of the human body are the lymphocytes formed?
Ans: Bone marrow

Quiz: Pollination is best defined as
Ans: transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

Quiz: Animal without red blood cells
Ans: Earthworm

Quiz: The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is
Ans: 4 kcal

Quiz: Nuclear membrane is absent in
Ans: Nostoc

Quiz: Which of the following is an Autotroph?
Ans: Algae

Quiz: Fungi are plants that lack:
Ans: Chlorophyll

Quiz: What makes a reptile a reptile?
Ans: Egg-laying

Quiz: Which organ of the body produces the fluid known as bile?
Ans: Liver

Quiz: What is the speed that a human brain sends message?
Ans: 240 mph

Quiz: Which of the following organs of human body provide instant energy?
Ans: Liver

Quiz: Which one of the following diseases is inheritable?
Ans: colour blindness

Quiz: The blue green algae are
Ans: chemoautotrophs

Quiz: Deficiency of Vitamin D causes
Ans: Rickets

Biology GK Questions

Quiz: Sexual selection theory was propounded by
Ans: Charles Darwin

Quiz: Scale leaves are seen in
Ans: Underground stems

Quiz: The fungal derivative used in the treatment of tuberculosis is
Ans: streptomycin

Quiz: The structure of double helix of DNA was described by
Ans: Watson and Crick

Biology GK Questions

These Online Quiz contain the previous year asked questions in various govt exams, so practice these Online GK Test in Hindi at least one set of each subject … Most Important Biology GK questions for Competitive Exams General Knowledge

Quiz: A banana plant fits into which of these groups?
Ans: herbs

Quiz: A typical human ribcage consists of how many ribs?
Ans: 12

Quiz: The stem of Chrysanthemum is a
Ans: Sucker

Quiz: How are infectious diseases, such as colds and influenza, most commonly spread?
Ans: Hand-to-face contact .

Quiz: “Sleep hygiene” refers to the promotion of regular sleep. Which of these can help you develop healthy sleep habits?
Ans: Go to bed and get up at the same time every day

Biology GK Questions

Quiz: How many facial muscles are involved in speaking?
Ans: 70

Quiz: Which of the following systems in man is affected by the bite of cobra?
Ans: Nervous

Quiz: Thailand announced that it has proceeded to test it’s novel coronavirus vaccine on which animal/bird?
Ans: Monkeys

Most Important Biology GK questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: What scientist has popularized the concept of biodiversity?
Ans: E.O. Wilson

Quiz: The major constituent of connective tissue is
Ans: Collagen

Quiz: The compound used in anti malarial drug is
Ans: chloroquin

Quiz: In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients ‘bode well’ for long term immunity?
Ans: T-Cell

Quiz: One of the occupational health hazards commonly faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery and glass industry is
Ans: silicosis

Most Important Biology GK questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: Which of the following protects the body against infectious disease and foreign invaders?
Ans: Leukocytes

Quiz: In which age group the COVID-19 spreads?
Ans: Coronavirus infection is mild in children, Older person and persons with pre-existing medical conditions are at high risk to develop serious illness and COVID-19 occur in all age groups.

Quiz: World Health Organisation on 11 February, 2020 announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak? What is the new name of the disease?
Ans: COVID-19

Quiz: The process of transfer of hereditary character from one generation to another is known as………..?
Ans: Genetics

Quiz: Change in genetic composition of a population is called as?
Ans: evolution

Most Important Biology GK questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: Deficiency of Vitamin D causes?
Ans: Rickets

Quiz: Sandalwood tree is considered a
Ans: Partial root parasite

Quiz: . Which of these is a cause of heart disease?
Ans: Stroke

Quiz: Mild Symptoms of Novel coronavirus are:
Ans: Fever, Cough and Shortness of breath

Quiz: A gene is a functional unit of ___?
Ans: Chromosomes

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