GK Questions 2023 – World GK Quiz for for Exam, General Knowledge: Basic General Knowledge, Quiz for Competitive Exams

  1. How many cards are there in a complete pack of cards?
    A. 20
    B. 32
    C. 40
    D. 52
    Answer: 52
  2. What is the hottest continent on Earth?
    A. Asia
    B. Europe
    C. Africa
    D. South America
    Answer: Africa
  3. What is the most popular sport throughout the world?
    A. Soccer
    B. Cricket
    C. Volleyball
    D. Football
    Answer: Soccer

Basic MCQ GK Questions 

  1. Can you name the country from where Parmesan cheese comes?
    A. India
    B. China
    C. Italy
    D. France
    Answer: Italy
  2. What type of tree do dates grow on?
    A. Coconut
    B. Pine
    C. Palm
    D. Birch
    Answer: Palm
  3. What is the 15th letter of the English alphabet?
    A. F
    B. I
    C. M
    D. O
    Answer: O
  4. How many planets are there in our solar system?
    A. 7
    B. 8
    C. 9
    D. 5
    Answer: 8
  5. Which was the occupation or job of the following famous people: Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh?
    A. Musician
    B. Painter
    C. Carpenter
    D. Dancers
    Answer: Painter

Other Subjects Basic MCQ GK Questions for Competitive Exams

It is a security pact between three countries It is a dialogue between 4 countries
The countries under it are Australia, USA and UK United States, India, Japan and Australia come under it
It was announced on 15th September 2021 It was initiated in 2007
The treaty covers AI, Cyber welfare, underwater capabilities etc The alliance envisions a shared vision for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Australia would be helped to develop nuclear powered submarines Here military exercises like Malabar are conducted but no nulcear submarines are developed
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